The Well-Tended Life
The Well-Tended Life
Episode 59: Make, Have & Be More—Without More Work with Amy Kemp
Why Listen? In my journal practice, I write down what I call “heart taps”, which are the things that speak directly to my heart. Here are a few of the heart tap moments that I wrote down from this interview with AMY KEMP:
- Stop waiting for a full on download to chase your next thing.
- Transitions have a lot to teach us if we will just sit still long enough to learn.
- Busy is such a safe place to hide. 🙈 (I resemble this remark)
- Don’t get stuck in the wheel of: “I have to, I need to, I should.”
- Take a good hard look at your boundaries and walls.
- One of the best things we can do is to make time for play on your calendar. Schedule it!
- What if our number one job it’s just to stay open and connected to God/source?
- We tend to make what we believe we are worth.
- Never apologize for or feel the need to apologize for investing in yourself. You are worth it!
ABOUT THE GUEST: Amy helps leaders and business professionals understand how deeply thought habits impact every part of our work and lives.
As a certified Habit Finder coach, Amy has led over 300 female business leaders through a four-month leadership development engagement called Encounter that is designed to replace unhealthy thought habits with more healthy ones. She has also worked through the Habit Finder curriculum with hundreds of leaders in one-on-one settings and with leadership teams at small and large companies.
I See You: A Guide for Women to Make More, Have More, and Be More—Without More Work
Are you giving your all every day only to be left feeling like you’re falling short at work and at home? Are you committed to growing your influence, impact, and income but unsure how to achieve more without sacrificing yourself in the process? CEO and business coach Amy Kemp has been there. She knows what it’s like to want more professionally while simultaneously feeling like there is no more time or energy left to give. And she has answers.
CULTIVATE U: A Life Changing 6-Week Virtual Masterclass
THIS IS YOUR SEASON. It’s time to CULTIVATE U: to water YOUR dreams, to unearth YOUR gifts, and finally tend to YOUR relationships, weeds, and needs.
Are you exhausted from watering everyone and everything else but you? Could your life, dreams, or relationships use some tending? Would you like to start living a life with less anxiety and more intention? Then click here for info on the next masterclass!
A Whole New Way To Journal
Interested in learning more about my life-tending journal process?
Click Here for Your Free Life-Tending Journal Template
Meet Me over at Modern Prairie
I am thrilled to announce that I have partnered with Melissa Gilbert of Little House on the Prairie fame’s and her company and community over at Modern Prairie.COM. Download the Modern Prairie App to Join Me the Journaling Circle, and Sign Up for my Free Journal Classe or to Join the Journaling Gems Club today! Can’t wait to see you there!
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