The Well-Tended Life
The Well-Tended Life
Episode 49: Discover Your Magic: Inside & Out with Donna Dimino
Why Listen? In my journal practice, I write down what I call “heart taps”, which are the things that speak directly to my heart. Here are a few of the heart tap moments that I wrote down from this interview.
- Our bodies are nature.
- And nature and our bodies are communicating with us all the time. Are you listening?
- We need to feel and sense things more than we are over-thinking things.
- Ask yourself daily, what truly feels good?
- The divine technology of our bodies is truly amazing. Think about it.
- Our body gets such a bad rap, it is blamed over and over for us not feeling well.
- Yet our bodies never give up on trying to help us heal, support and sustain us.
- Wake up your fingers and toes before you even get out of bed, to awaken and reconnect to your body.
- Ask yourself and your body each day: what do you need from me today?
- Ask yourself when you are ill, what is my part in this?
- Allow yourself to “not know” what the next step is and be ok with that.
- The rose has the highest frequency of anything tangible in this earth, closest to love.
- We have everything we need within us and in nature to heal, be who we truly are, and to be a force of goodness on this earth, while we are here.
The Earls: I Believe. https://music.apple.com/us/album/i-believe/419477321?i=419477332
Hi I’m Donna Dimino. I’m on a mission to help people become curious about their body’s true purpose, by learning how to re-balance and move with ease through postural alignment listen to the body’s silent language, like you do with pets, baby’s and plants, and how to tend to and recognize your soul’s guidance through the messages the body gives us.
I do this through nourishing movement, energy awareness, intuitive guidance & joyful creative practices that bring you…back to you!
My work draws from my training and study in Dance, Postural Alignment, Energy Movement, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, Spirituality, Embodied Mysticism, Sound Healing, Empowerment Coaching, Body Centered Meditation, Essential Oils & my greatest teachers, the Body & Nature.
'Living' Body Awareness
‘Movement that brings you back...to you!'
1:2:1 Sessions, Movement Classes, Workshops
CULTIVATE U: A Life Changing 6-Week Virtual Masterclass
THIS IS YOUR SEASON. It’s time to CULTIVATE U: to water YOUR dreams, to unearth YOUR gifts, and finally tend to YOUR relationships, weeds, and needs.
Are you exhausted from watering everyone and everything else but you? Could your life, dreams, or relationships use some tending? Would you like to start living a life with less anxiety and more intention? Then click here for info on the next masterclass!
A Whole New Way To Journal
Interested in learning more about my life-tending journal process?
Click Here for Your Free Life-Tending Journal Template
Meet Me over at Modern Prairie
I am thrilled to announce that I have partnered with Melissa Gilbert of Little House on the Prairie fame’s and her company and community over at Modern Prairie.COM. Download the Modern Prairie App to Join Me the Journaling Circle, and Sign Up for my Free Journal Classe or to Join the Journaling Gems Club today! Can’t wait to see you there!
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Are you looking for a unique speaker? I would love to be a part of your next event! Let’s chat: keri@keriwilt.com
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